$blnSend = true;
if ((!isset($_REQUEST["id"])) || (!isset($_REQUEST["submitmail"]))) {
$blnSend = false;
} else if (($_REQUEST["id"] != "Secure") || ($_REQUEST["submitmail"] != "yes")){
$blnSend = false;
} //end if
if ($blnSend) {
$strToEmail = $strFromEmail = "enquiries@ppsimtech.com ";
$strSubject = "Enquiry from PP Simtech Webpage - Secure";
$strCrLf = chr(13) . chr(10);
$strBody = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST["register"])) {
$strBody .= "Yes, I";
} else {
$strBody .= "No, I do not ";
} //end if
$strBody .= " wish to register for access to the RBI Members section" . $strCrLf;
$strBody .= $strCrLf;
$strBody .= "Name: " . $_REQUEST["Name"] . $strCrLf;
$strBody .= "Position: " . $_REQUEST["Position"] . $strCrLf;
$strBody .= $strCrLf;
$strBody .= "Company Name: " . $_REQUEST["CompanyName"] . $strCrLf;
$strBody .= "Company Address: " . str_replace($strCrLf, ", ", $_REQUEST["CompanyAddress"]) . $strCrLf;
$strBody .= $strCrLf;
$strBody .= "Phone: " . $_REQUEST["Phone"] . $strCrLf;
$strBody .= "Email: " . $_REQUEST["Email"] . $strCrLf;
$strBody .= $strCrLf;
$strBody .= "Comments: " . $strCrLf .$_REQUEST["Enquiry"] . $strCrLf;
$strBody .= $strCrLf;
//Send the email
SendEmail($strToEmail, $strFromEmail, $strSubject, $strBody, "Text");
} //end if
PP SimTECH / Risk Based Inspection / Contact Us
Register for access to PP SIMTECH's RBI Members Section